Written by: Reagan Flowers, Ph.D. Do high-paying STEM careers require college degrees? Here at C-STEM, we focus on K-12 STEM education, often with the goal of a college degree. Ultimately, we strive to give underrepresented students the opportunities they need to establish fulfilling careers and turn the tide for the next generation of students. However, […]
Impact on College Plans
Written By: Reagan Flowers, PhD The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted Plan A and B for some high school seniors who intended to take the SAT or ACT for the first time this semester, or to improve upon their scores. Those options are now off the table. The College Board has canceled all tests through the […]
The Diploma to College to Career Mismatch
Written By: Reagan Flowers, PhD It appears that minority students are less likely to enroll in college, remain in college, and are more likely to go directly to work post high school. Factors impacting their choices to attend college are finances, access to opportunities, awareness, proper preparation, supportive networks, and exposure. And for many minorities […]
Brookings STEM Report
The Brookings STEM Report offers an analysis of the occupational requirements for STEM knowledge. How does “The Hidden STEM Economy” impact you?