Dr. Reagan Flowers: STEM has economic opportunities that minorities are missing
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C-STEM Challenge Designed to Bolster Tech Talent Pipeline
Students to compete in engineering, art at Cobo
Detroit Free Press
C-STEM Competition Showcases student innovation and creativity in the Midwest
Michigan Chronicle
Early STEM Program STEM Going Strong
US World News Report by Jason Koebler
The White House Salutes Champions of STEM Diversity
Black Enterprise: Wealth for Life by Derek T. Dingle
Merging the Artist & Engineer (Cover Story)
Texas CEO Magazine by Dacia Rivers
STEM an Economic Essential for this Generation
WISE.ed Review by Dr. Reagan Flowers
Putting Creativity Back in the Classroom
The Michigan Chronicle by Dr. Reagan Flowers
The Greater STEM Vision Comes to Detroit
The Michigan Chronicle by Tanisha Leonard
Dr. Flowers has inspired educators, professionals, and students across the globe through her engaging and innovating discourses. If you are an educator or other professional that is searching for inspiration and guidance in STEM, consider collaborating with an individual that has over 25 years of experience as an educator and STEM leader and advocate.