STEM Organizations
An Interview with Dr. Reagan Flowers: CSTEM Challenge
Keeping Art Alive using Mathematics
Art education is important in the development of creativity within children and serves as an outlet for student expression. When school budgets are cut, art programs are traditionally the first to be eliminated. All of the talk about STEM has over shadowed the decline of art education programs in P-12 schools. We believe the integration of art into STEM education is a viable solution.
Why Disparities Continue with No Child Left Behind
The “No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act” of 2001 was created to implement standardized tests to measure student success and teacher performance (accountability). Ten years later, the education system is still experiencing educational disparities due to the lack of well-prepared and qualified teachers in critical areas such as math, science and literacy. American students will continue to lack skills to compete in a global market regardless of demographic and racial backgrounds without the proper resources mentioned.